Speaking Up For Mom Reader Comments

“I’ve already told several people about your book. What a gift to the world! Congratulations, again!!” - Paulette M., Cincinnati, OH

“I just made an order to send a copy to a good friend. It is a surprise gift. She will be delighted to have and read this book and have this information. A number of months ago, her mother was in and out of the hospital. Her mother is now at home but this book will be of immense value to her.” - Fred S., Delray Beach, Florida

“You and Dr. Hanzelik have written a truly fabulous book. It will help many people navigate through a crazy medical system that is bound to get worse before it gets any better. Your story brought me to tears. My own Mom’s journey was very similar to yours, and very painful for both of us despite the advantage of my being a doctor. I will always love and admire you and your husband for the caring sacrifice you gave for your loved one. It is difficult to forgive ourselves for being imperfect humans, but we must.” - Kim R., Cincinnati, OH

“I want to congratulate and thank you for writing and sharing in such an accessible way yours and your mother’s story. So much is familiar and made so by the poignant and personal details. What you learned step-by-fragile-step is so good to have in one coherent story. A woman whom I know only from doing swim class with her is in the throes of a similar struggle with her mother. I’m going to share your story with the woman I spoke of, and on my FB page. Yours is such a compassionate account. Thank you.” - Mary Pierce Brosmer, Founder, Women Writing for (a) Change, Cincinnati, OH

“As you know and experienced, I am in agreement that there is a huge need for this clarification for our loved ones and probably someday us. So I just want to say thank you for working on this project. It brings joy and tears to my eyes that conscious people like you and Dr. Hanzelik are bringing this type of clarity to others who struggle. Do you have a facebook page I can share? Thank you again.” - Denise C., Columbus, OH

“As it happens, I’ve started reading a collection of books that deal with one’s own end of life – the medical parts of it – or one’s progress through a long medical journey of some sort. My wife thinks I’m morbid for reading such things, but since I almost died twice a few years ago, I want to be better prepared than I was then when I make the journey to death the next time. So your book fits right in with my current reading interests!”- Len E., Millersville, PA

“We need two more books! My husband took it to work and 2 of the ladies each want a copy. If you would sign them, they would be pleasantly surprised. What a thrill to know a wonderful writer!” - Barb D., Cincinnati, OH

“I’m honored to be the first customer! I’ll also share your book with another person I know who works with the elderly. I’m sure it will be very insightful for both of us. Good luck on presenting it to the world!” (and later) “I am really enjoying your book. So much valuable info in it, I decided to keep my copy when I’m finished, rather than sending it to someone!” - MG H., Asheville, NC

“Thank you a million times over for writing this book, it is helping me tremendously. Llee, I cannot believe I saw and experienced pretty much everything you saw with your Mom, during my Mom’s many hospital and ER visits and her rehab stay in 2018… I read page after page of your book with my jaw hanging open, often in tears, realizing that my sister and I were not alone and it was not a unique situation with Mom and how the system treated (or did NOT treat) her.” - Cathy M., Hollywood, FL

“I did in fact purchase your book during the lunch break. It has proven to be a good read with a lot of great information in it. I appreciate you sharing your story with the world and providing insight into a caregiver’s life.” - Natasha A., MSW, Huber Heights, OH

“Profound…I teared up in a few places because of the truth in your observations.” - Melinda Z., Cincinnati, OH

“I love this book! It is compelling in an emotional yet logical way and easy to read. I really feel the narrative, at the very least, would be excellent required reading for doctors, nurses and caregivers to understand what it feels like ‘from the other side’.” - Dana S., Cincinnati, OH

“Superbly woven/organized. Great balance of stories vs. information. Exceptional appendix. Heart-wrenching, yet beautiful & bittersweet. Insightful. Terrifically useful, needs and deserves a wide audience!” - Kathryn C., MD, Teton Village, Wyoming

“I would refer this book to adult children with possible future caregiving responsibilities. It would be helpful to know this information before you really need it. It fills the information gap for caregivers by addressing issues that may not otherwise be thought of by the caregiver.” - Alex P., RN, Cincinnati, OH

“Thank you, Llee, for writing the book. Most useful!”- Diana K., Ojay, CA

“I couldn’t put your book down until I finished your journey with your Mom. I experienced so much of the same  medical distress in my journey with my husband. As hard as it got, I was able to commit to his choice even though I might choose differently for myself. Thank you for the book. Now I look forward to what Dr. Hanzelik has to say.” - Mary Lynn L., Cincinnati, OH

“I just ordered a copy. Our dad is 93, so we are dealing with some of these issues. Your book is terrific! Carolyn and I are reading it about our own end-of-life decisions and to help as my dad ages. It is very clear and well written. You and Dr. Edd have created something that is going to help a lot of people. I’ll recommend it to all of my family and friends. Thanks for sharing your story and all of your hard work.” - Thom A., Beverly, MA

“Thanks Llee. This was a lot… and I know what it is like to care for someone close. There is so much we get into that we know so little about. Thanks for sharing this gift to the world.” - Mary F., Orchard Park, NY

“I loved your book. I found it very readable and absorbing, and I learned a lot both from your story and from the doctor who collaborated with you…I know the resources at the back will be useful as well.” - Anne D., Cincinnati, OH

“I have been a family physician for 40 years and have had many conversations with patients and their families about end of life decision making. I have already recommended this book to several people who are trying to navigate our confusing health care system. Llee Sivitz should be highly commended for the research that she has done to put together a highly useful book for patients and healthcare workers.” - Kathy D., MD, Cincinnati, OH