Speaking Up For Mom Media Comments

“Such an amazing interview! You were so articulate & gave vital points. It was helpful to have the recent experience with your husband also which confirmed many areas illustrating the power that we have with doctors & in hospital settings.” - Ann S., Hagerstown, MD

“I listened to the interview and I thought it was great! You gave so much needful information. I especially liked how you zoomed in on the two most important patient rights to remember. Also, I loved it when you pointed out the necessity of patient wishes being written into the chart as doctor’s orders. That was a real pro tip. Keep up the good work!”- K. Roebuck, MD, Cincinnati, OH

“What a great interview! You speak so well, and that’s an understatement. I have only listened through once, but plan to do so a few more times, along with taking notes. I’m in close contact with so many parents of elderly contacts, and many of them are floundering and not knowing were to begin. I hope I can speak well and clearly to them the next time a situation comes up. With my role as professional caregiver, I should definitely try to be more well-versed in this topic….I’m going to put the interview on CD’s so I can readily give them out, if the conversation is leading that way.” - MG H., Asheville, NC

“Wow! Great interview! So helpful. Am sharing it with my siblings. I really appreciate what you are doing.”- Paula B., Hallandale Beach, FL

“I just found quiet time to listen to it, thanks again. I sent it to my sister who introduced me to your book…Keep up the good work, what you are doing is so, so important. I send you a big hug of gratitude.” - Cathy M., Hollywood, FL.

“I just listened to the interview on the radio and I’m telling you, I am so blown away. I was crying, I was thinking of all these people that need to read this book. I ordered it for myself.”
- Christina A., Longmont, CA

“I listened to the entire broadcast, such a great format !! I felt it had great information for the audience and certainly a good way to get your message across.”- Gail D., Cincinnati, OH

“I listened to the interview which was wonderful. I hope you are getting a lot of opportunities to address this important subject with people…I am speaking to a lot of people who are now having to care for aged parents, and I can see it is not easy for them. (My wife) was very detailed and worked hard to get everything in order so that she could die without worry, or inconveniencing anyone. I got to help her with those arrangements and during her final month it allowed my focus to be on her comfort and care rather than on what loose ends we may have not taken care of. I wish I had a book like yours for guidance during the process though. It was far more daunting than I anticipated and to this day I hope that I had helped make her winding down and passing as stress free as she wanted.” - Ira W., Las Vegas, NV

“I’m listening to your Radio program now!! Excellent program! I was telling a friend about your book. I gave her mine and now I need to buy 2 of them!!” - Marsha B., Covington, KY - Comments on interview at WMKV Radio, December 23, 2019