Speaking Up For Mom Audience Comments

“Thank you for your bravery, compassion & humor in sharing your story.”

“Phenomenal presentation. Thank you for sharing this cautionary tale. This will definitely help me with my own parent.”

“Thanks for your honesty from your family’s journey and helping others.”

- Attendees, Catholic Charities Southwest Ohio Caregiver Workshop

“First of all, thank you for the invitation to the Speaking Up For Mom presentation last month. We all hope that we’re making the best decisions for our loved ones…but being informed of laws, documents and medical terms would make being a caregiver easier. Your presentation made us quite aware of all of these issues. And hopefully because of your presentation, everyone present will be better equipped to take care of a loved one or document our own health decisions to be carried out.” - April D., Cincinnati, OH    “I just wanted to thank you so much for coming out to the Center and talking with the seniors. I know it was a small group but they did really like what you had to say!” 

- C. Salamone, Director Green Township Senior Center Cincinnati, OH

“I attended Llee Sivitz’ presentation concerning the decisions to be made approaching old age, chronic and acute serious illness, and end of life. The presentation was informal but professional, with humor and personal stories and very poignant, practical information. It dealt with how to prepare for the challenging times of advocating for oneself or loved ones while dealing with medical institutions that may not necessarily support the desires and plans of patients and family members. I am a retired nurse and have had experiences with these situations both professionally and personally. I believe any maturing population and family members will benefit from her research, knowledge and experiences.” - Retired RN Rob S., Cincinnati, OH

“I learned about topics I hadn’t even thought to ask about during Llee’s talk. We typically assume health care providers are doing what’s best for our loved ones, but the truth is, their #1 priority is keeping patients alive.”What’s best” is much more complicated and involves asking the right questions. Llee’s talk will help prepare you for those questions and I recommend it to anyone, even if you’re not yet having end-of-life conversations.” - Kathy H., Cambridge, MA

“Hi Llee, I am writing to thank you for your thorough presentation last Thursday night. We gave out a survey for the first time and it appears you hit it out of the park. People were universally high on your talk.” - V. Bickett, Director, Wholistic Mental Health Network of Greater Cincinnati